Incorporated in 1992, Horana Plantations PLC (HPL) was listed on the main board of the Colombo stock Exchange in 1996. As of then the company has grown to be one of Sri Lanka’s premier Plantation Companies and diversified into a broad-based agribusiness entity specialized in production, processing and marketing.

The company managers 14 Estates covering over 6,519 hectares of land primarily cultivated with Tea and Rubber on land leased by the Government of Sri Lanka for a period of 53 years. More recently the company diversified into Oil Palm and at present is in the process of commercially increasing its foot print on Coconut Plantation. We provide direct employment to 3,857 workers in our plantations and cares for a lively hood of over 25,000.

The Company’s fifteen estates are spread primarily in the Central and Western provinces of Sri Lanka. Horana Plantations has an annual production of 3 Mn Kg of Tea, 1 Mn Kg of Rubber and 2 Mn Kg of Oil Palm.

HPLs six ISO 2200:2018 FSMS certified Tea processing Centres are situated in the high elevations of the central hills, renowned for its unique character and flavor and is sought after by many tea connoisseurs around the world, whilst our processing Centre in the low country produce orthodox leafy low grown tea and is sought after by a selected cliental.

Reinforcing our commitment to be a world class produce of sustainable Rubber, our two sole crepe processing Centres are ISO 9001:2015 Quality management systems, Forest Stewardship Council TM and Fair Rubber certified and produce colored sole crepe to niche shoe produces.

HPL has benched marked many international and locally acclaimed best practices for its sustainability. Plantations have been certified with Rainforest Alliance, Ethical Tea Partnership, Fair Trade, ISO 14001: 2015 Environment management systems, GHG Inventory verification (carbon foot print), and we are honored by gold status of climate neutral now initiatives by UNFCCC.

Horana Plantations PLC is a public quoted limited liability Company and its shares are listed in the Colombo Stock Exchange bearing the stock symbol HOPL. The Company is a subsidiary of Vallibel Plantation Management Ltd.

The Company is managed by Hayleys PLC, the most diversified and largest listed business conglomerate in Sri Lanka.

Annual Reports

Annual Report 2021
Annual Report 2022
Annual Report 2023
Annual Report 2016

Shareholder and Investor Communications Policy